Snapchat has added some features to keep users engaged. Users do not know some of these and try to find out by searching What does st stand for on Snapchat. So, let’s find out together the answer to the question of What does st stand for on Snapchat.
What does ST stand for on snapchat?
Did the flame icon appear next to the person you snapped in Snapchat? Yes, this symbol means St. St is short for Snapstreak. If you and your friend want to be a Snapstreak, you must snap at each other within 24 hours, for more than three days in a row.
How do I keep a Snapstreak going?
To keep a Snapstreak transaction going, both Snapchat users must send each other a Snap within a 24-hour timeframe.
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What is Snapchat Streak?
The flame sign you see with your friends that you message a lot on Snapchat actually means that you are Streak. If you message a user on Snapchat for at least 24 hours for 3 days, you will have streaked with that person.
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Snapchat; It is a video or video instant messaging application for smartphones by founders Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown. Users can send text, photos, audio and video to each other. Personally sent files can be viewed by the sender a maximum of 2 times. This free app can run on iOS and Android platforms. The first version of the application was released in September 2011. The application, of which 72% of its users are women, is mostly used in the United States and England.