Our Roblox ASTD codes list contains the most recent, effective, and working codes that can be used for a variety of Gems and capsules. If you want to participate in all features of ASTD Game, you’ll need as many gems as possible, so keep checking back with this updated list! You can also check Roblox Legends of Speed Codes Wiki article for free Roblox codes.
What is Roblox ASTD?
Top-Down Games’ All Star Tower Defense is an anime-themed tower defense game. All Star Tower Defense (ASTD) is a simple tower defense game developed by Roblox. The objective of tower defense games is to withstand waves of adversaries attempting to destroy your base.
List of Roblox ASTD Codes
We’ll keep you informed about new Roblox ASTD codes as they become available. You should utilize these as quickly as possible since you never know when they’ll run out! These Roblox ASTD Codes were tested on the day this page was updated, so if you discover one that is no longer valid, please let us know by email in the contact section so we can update the article.

Working Roblox ASTD Codes (Updated)
You can find all working Roblox ASTD Codes below. Hurry up to use these codes while they are working.
- Halloween2022—Use it to get Ice Queen (Hollow) -New–
- 2yearanniversary—Use it to get 10,000 Gems, 100 Stardust, and 10 EXP IV (Must be level 40+ to claim)
- timechamberfix—Use it to get 100 Gems and 20 Stardust
- newstarcode—Use it to get 90 Stardust
- stardustupdate – Use it to get 5,000 Gems
- Hooray50k -Use it to get 400 Gems
- ASTDDragonoidBakugan – Use it to get Dragonoid Mount
Expired Roblox ASTD Codes
The Roblox ASTD Codes below are expired. So you are no longer able to use them in the game.
- 1millikes – Use it to get 650 Gems and an Omega Rare IV
- summerwoo2022 – Use it to get an EXP IV and 750 gems
- owouch – Use it to get 400 gems
- changesjune – Use it to get 400 gems
- NavyXFlame130kNoLeak – Use it to get Ultra Rare reward
- ticketupdate – Use it to get 400 Gems
- allstarspring – Use it to get 450 Gems
- The developer’s Twitter gave this code. Some gamers claim it doesn’t work, implying that it must be used at a specified moment in the game.
- newaprilupdate– Use it to get 450 Gems
- astd1millikes– Use it to get 1.25k Gems
- congratulations2kingluffy300ksubscribersonyoutube300k– Use it to get a Mega-Rare character
superwoop | Earn 400 Gems |
ultramove | Earn an Ultra Capsule |
SUBTOBLAMSPOT100kBOA | Earn reward |
240kearly | Earn 150 Gems |
kelvin500ksubs | Earn 50 Gems |
smoothcriminal2 | Earn 150 Gems |
decemberfun2020 | Earn 300 Gems |
fromastd | Earn 500 Gems, 500 Gold, and Omega Rare EXP IV |
ALWAYSTOGETHER | Earn 200 Gems |
roadto300kuwu | Earn 150 Gems |
gamebreakingvisits101 | Earn 250 Gems |
Frangosub | Earn 50 Gems |
incredibledayum | Earn 50 Gems |
specialkingluffy100k | Earn 150 Gems and King Ruffy |
fruitgame | Earn 150 Gems |
jahajha | Earn 150 Gems |
isitthenewerayet | Earn 150 Gems |
morecodeforyouxd | Redeem for 175 Gems |
yellowsix | Earn 150 gems |
mrworldwide | Earn 300 Gems |
shotofmemories | Earn 150 Gems |
1bvisit1b | Earn 1,000 Gems |
liketo280k | Earn 150 Gems |
AllStarDessi | Earn 50 Gems |
shutdownagaincode21 | Earn 250 Gems |
ryukostop | Earn 150 Gems |
codeofprisma | Earn 250 Gems [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server] |
codegoaliee | Earn 150 Gems |
NAVYXFLAME4CODE | Earn 150 Gems |
Infernasu | Earn EXP II Character |
nowherescoredeal | Earn 250 Gems |
lesgolesgoyuuh | Earn 150 Gems |
listentothemusic132 | Earn 175 Gems |
december2021 | Earn 500 Gold and 300 Gems |
hunudthousand | Earn 200 Gems (Might only work in a Private Server) |
noclypsub | Earn 50 Gems |
eatlotsonthanksgiving | Earn 300 Gems and 500 Gold |
hchgaming | Earn 150 Gems |
longwait | Earn 450 Gems |
fruit | Earn 550 gems, 500 Gold, and 2x EXP III |
100ksubnavyxflame | Earn 300 Gems and Mega Rare Super Koku Black (SSJ3) |
subtoinfer2x | Earn 50 Gems |
100KClypso | Earn 50 Gems |
lieawake | Earn 150 Gems |
omgdiscordpopoff | Earn 150 Gems |
mytimerchamber | Earn 300 Gems |
200knextcode | Earn 150 Gems (Might only work in a Private Server) |
likeapartyonthelist | Earn 150 Gems |
theotheronecode | Earn 250 Gems [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server] |
subtoinfernasu | Earn 100 Gems |
goldgemgold | Earn 650 Gold and 250 Gems |
quickshut | Earn 100 Gems |
4thofjulyupdate | Earn 250 Gold, 250 Gems, and EXP III |
600klikes | Earn 175 Gems |
Sebbydesu9000 | Earn 150 Gems |
handsoftime | Earn 2 EXP IIIs |
addnewunitstobannerfix | Earn 150 Gems [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server] |
world2ishere | Earn 500 Gold and 300 Gems |
thisisthenewestcode | Earn 150 Gems |
tacotuesday | Earn 250 Gems |
eastercoda21 | Earn 150 Gems |
novemberupdate | Earn 300 Gems and 500 Gold [May work with private server] |
nooshutdown | Earn 400 Gems |
bigbangrah | Earn 80 Gems |
updatejune2021 | Earn 250 Gold, 250 Gems, and EXP III |
letsgetiton | Earn 150 Gems |
astdx2022 | Earn 1000 Gold, 500 Gems, and an Omega |
spentmytime | Earn 150 Gems |
anniversaryastd | Earn 1500 Gold, 1200 Gems, and Omega |
world2comingsoon | Earn 250 Gold and 250 Gems |
freedom | Earn 150 Gems |
rwarhappynewyear2k21 | Earn 150 Gems |
nano150k | Earn 50 Gems |
igot2look | Earn 250 Gems, 250 Gold |
epicgal | Earn 100 Gems |
likeslikeslikes | Earn 200 Gems |
bigtim | Earn 50 Gems |
somemorenewcoode | Earn 150 Gems |
lateupdatendat | Earn 200 Gems |
ASTDDevs | |
thursdayfun | Earn 250 Gems |
KingLuffyFan200k | Earn Ultra Rare King Ruffy |
watchaot | Earn 150 Gems (Might only work in a Private Server) |
starshipway | Earn Gems and EXP IV |
manylike | Earn 100 Gems |
codecodeyayhooray | Earn 150 Gems |
subinferman | Earn 50 Gems |
UnderTheWeather | Earn 100 Gems |
2shutdowncode12232000 | Earn 150 Gems |
rainmen | Earn 50 Gems |
epicnew | Earn 50 Gems |
howareyoutodaymyfriendo | Earn 175 Gems [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server] |
likethegamepog2021 | Earn 200 Gems and EXP III Mega |
biggerthanlife1 | Earn 150 Gems |
showmenow | Earn 150 Gems (Might only work in a Private Server) |
supertime | Earn 150 Gems |
themadao | Earn 1000 Gems, 750 Gold, and 1 EXP IV (NEW) |
Update53021 | Earn 150 Gems, 300 Gold, and EXP III |
illbewatchingyou | Earn 300 Gems |
robloxyay | Earn 300 Gold, 800 Gems and EXP III |
navyxflame80ksubs | Earn EXP III and Gems |
helloworld2021 | Earn 150 Gems |
700mil | Earn 200 Gems and EXP III Mega |
thecityofangels | Earn 250 Gems and 250 Gold |
navyxflameyt60k | Earn 200 gems and EXP III |
septemberupdate21 | Earn 250 Gems |
likethegamepog | Earn 400 Gems |
happyhalloween2021 | Earn 300 Gold, 200 Gems and Pumpkin Capsule |
UseCodeDessiYT | Earn 100 Gems |
winterbreakwhen | Earn 250 Gems and 250 Gold |
sub2navyxflame | Earn 100 Gems |
Lovetobrazil | Earn 150 Gems |
longmaintenance | Earn 450 Gems |
2021memorialday2021x | Earn 150 Gems |
fruitysubmore | Earn a Reward [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server] |
supernaruto | Earn 100 Gems |
4partyrocking | Earn 250 Gems |
foreverandever | Earn 200 Gems |
subtosnuglife | Earn 100 Gems |
2k20merrychristmas2k20 | Earn 150 Gems |
ohmahgawdskill | Earn 150 Gems |
supremethen | Earn 100 Gems |
liketo320k | Earn 150 Gems |
ni2 | Earn 150 Gems (Might only work in a Private Server) |
wowshutdown | Earn 200 Gems |
lovetofightastd | Earn 150 Gems |
Codeoflight | Earn 250 Gems [Must Start a Game or Join a Private Server] |
shutdowncode | Earn 150 Gems |
updatebelike | Earn 50 Gems |
1mgroupmembers | Earn 800 Gems and 800 Gold |
pert | Earn 50 Gems |
subtome | Earn 80 Gems |
gameon2021 | Earn 500 Gems |
merrychristmas2k21 | Earn 1000 Gold, 1000 Gems, and EXP IV |
fruit100k | Earn 300 Gems and Exp III |
diamondnowina | Earn 150 Gems |
1billionvisit21drip | Earn 200 Gems, 300 Gold, and Koku Drip Skin |
Minishutdown | Earn 200 Gems |
tysmfor1mfavorite | Earn 750 Gems, 750 Gold, and EXP III |
2bcodeswagmodeblazeit | Earn 400 Gems and Mega |
lilfavorite | Earn 150 Gems |
How to Use Roblox ASTD Codes
It’s simple to use Roblox codes for free gifts in ASTD.
- Simply open the Roblox Game and press M to access the menu.
- Each functional code may be entered into a textbox in the codes section. (or from Twitter logo)
- To get your prize, press the Enter key on your keyboard.
- If the code is not working, it means the code is expired.