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California Girls Roblox ID

Roblox lovers, who are looking for California Girls Roblox ID, you have come to the right website. We as infonuz team are sharing the best Roblox music IDs on our website. With the help of these music codes, your Roblox world will be amazing. Nowadays, California Girls Music Code is very popular. If you want to learn Earrape Roblox ID you can also check that article.

California Girls Lyrics

Greetings loved ones
Let’s take a journey

I know a place
Where the grass is really greener
Warm, wet n’ wild
There must be something in the water
Sippin’ gin and juice
Laying underneath the palm trees
The boys
Break their necks
Try’na to creep a little sneak peek
(At us)

You could travel the world
But nothing comes close
To the golden coast
Once you party with us
You’ll be falling in love
Ooh oh ooh oh oh ooh

How to play California Girls Roblox ID Music Code?

  • Turn on your radio after entering the game. (A text box will appear in front of you if you press the ‘e’ key on your keyboard.)
  • Fill in the box with the code we provided below.
  • When you hit the play button, the music will begin to play. Check if the game’s sound is enabled in the settings.
  • After you click play, the music will start playing. Don’t forget to check that the game sound is turned on in the settings.

We are going to show California Girls Roblox Music ID now because we already demonstrated how to use it. So, let’s have fun!

California Girls Roblox ID

What is California Girls Roblox ID?

Roblox IDs are quite important for the game. There are numerous music IDs in Roblox. For those who ask what ‘‘California Girls Roblox ID’’ is, we write the answer below.

  • California Girls Roblox ID ( CODE: 4915415177)
  • California Girls Roblox (ft. Snoop Dogg) ID ( CODE: 147402954)
  • California Girls [Katy Perry] Roblox ID ( CODE: 5678965651)

If you have any music codes that you enjoy, please share them with us right away so that we may include them in our posts. For parts requests, please utilize the comments area or send us an email.

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